Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Often times we think that pollution is a problem of third world countries.  Look at the following picture. It was made from several photos taken right here in the United States.  How does it make you feel?  What do you suppose the people who live in the area are feeling?  Do you think you had any part in the polluting of these areas?  Think about the connections - where products are made that we use daily.  Do you feel any responsibility for pollution?  Think about your own actions.  Are you a contributor?  Are you a wasteful consumer?  What do you do with your garbage when you are driving and eating fast food?  Do you save it to throw away later or do you throw it out the window?  How often have you been hiking, camping, fishing, picniking or doing something else outdoors, perhaps walking your dog or playing in a park and run across someone else's garbage that they left?  What do you think about that?  What are you doing to contribute to the problem and what can you do to lower or minimize your impact on the world around us?  What I want you to do is to express your feelings about pollution and your responsibility to it.  Don't necessarily answer these questions one by one.  Respond to the picture using complete sentences and support your answers with reasons, do not simply say yes I agree with that or no I don't agree with that.  Tell me why you think what you do.  The grade for this activity will be based on a coherent, easy to follow response using complete sentences and ideas.  Write a few paragraphs about the above ideas and your part in it.  Be complete.  4 or 5 sentences is not going to be enough to get you full credit.  You might start your writing with "When I look at these pictures I feel............".  


  1. Jayme Long- What I think about when I see these pictures, it grosses me out. People don't care about what other people think about our pollution. I honestly can say that I used to never pick up any trash that I would see laying on the ground. But, now it kind of irritates me when it's there. It's sad to think that people don't care about what it could do and what it can cause. They know it's not healthy for our environment, and then they complain about how certain places look so bad. It's because everyone is stubborn. Example: When someone asks you to pick some trash up off the ground and it's something that's not yours, a lot of people these days will just say, "No, it's not mine. So, I'm not going to pick it up."
    It's quite ridiculous on how adults, teenagers, and little kids are about the world these days. They don't care if it's messy or dirty around them. And, some people who do care, will just complain about it and not do anything about it. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SEEING IT, HELP PICK IT UP. It kind of frustrates me. Why would you want to look at trash everywhere anyway. If people are with their friends, they're to cool to do it. Even though, it doesn't make cool not doing it either. When someone asks you and you say no, it'll make you seem like a d-bag. Anyway, whenever I see trash or any kind of waste I pick it up.

  2. Jason Bischoff / i don't like it at all. i think its really sad that we are letting our world become a trash wasteland. allot of animals are severely injured or even killed by what us humans do in our everyday life. can we stop it? yes of course! wen you see some trash on a school ground pick it up even if it looks dirty or nasty, you can always wash your hands after. if you act then people will see what your doing and it will be in there heads. most likely they wont throw trash on the ground. wen you eat in your car have an empty smith or Walmart plastic bag to have for a trash can. instead of throwing your crap out the window.

    can you imagine swimming in a lake of garbage?
    you would get sick and die. The end.

  3. hector/ I don't like it because that's were we all live and this is were are kids going to grow up. I think that if we all clean up we can make it better for everyone. I guess that I try to clean around my street. Though I do have a car and I would probably drive it just up the street instead of walking. we can say I try to not keep it this dirty. to be honest I really don't care much for it all I said in the beginning was all bs.

  4. Kami Buist, when I look at the pictures I feel bad because I know that I haven't done anything to help out and I know I should. I think I have a part in it because I should try my best to help my world out and make it a better place to live in. when I see someone else grab I pick it up and I try my best not to litter. When I had my dogs I would walk them or play with them outside I would even go running, hiking, walking, and ride a bike. But now I use my car to get places sometimes but I still walk when I need to. I don't like how people have littered everywhere is makes me sad to see other places look so bad and how they live with nothing but grab and that there water supply is bad. I want to be able to help out and try to make other people see what they are doing to our homes that will live in I want them to see what I see when I go walking around they need to see how bad it is to live in this way.
    People that have asthma can’t go outside when the air quality is really bad it sucks because when I go outside when the air quality is bad I have hard time breathing because the pollution affects my asthma. I try my best to keep my litter in my car and not in the streets when I see someone litter I usually yell at them to come back and pick up their trash or even if it is my own family I tell them to take care of their trash. I have ideas to make people see how bad it is to live this way I would like to see them go somewhere that the pollution is bad and where the air quality is bad and how hard to is to breath they need to see what they are doing to the place they live in. It really does hurt me to see people not care about the world or place they live in and I hate it when people just throw their trash out the window.

  5. Alex Thompson- i feel like we should really do something about this environment. there is just way to much garbage that needs to get picked up and i think if a lot of people help clean up the world then think of how much longer we could live here. like the water that would be so easy to clean up, take a net and drag it across the top of the water and get the garbage out of the water so fish and other water creatures don't have to suffer because of us. I really think that if we just could pick up the garbage then it would be easier to keep clean so if people could just stand and do it then it would not be as big of a problem

  6. Alonzo Oliva- I don't like it at all because we are populating the air and I never did anything about it, I would just eat food and throw the wrapper on the ground and not pick it up, I was lazy and did nothing about it. Now that I see what I'm doing I wanna change that because this is really sad people are living in this kind of situation, they are getting sick and dying that makes me sad. that's like swimming in garbage,

  7. When I see these pictures I feel bad because I know I am a big part of this. I have done several things to this planet that has help cause pollution. For instance I drive a car to school when I could walk or ride my bike. I have littered and thrown garbage on the ground when I could have held it until I found a trash can. I have done a lot of things in my life that has effected this earth.
    If this is what the earth has come to this quick with just 100 years than what do you think the earth will look like in another 100 years after we are all passed and our grandkids or great grand kids will have to deal with. Its scary to think it but that the best we can is hope and clean up what we have done. We need to recycle more and we need to drive less when possible and we need to take care of our home and make it the way it was before. That’s my thought on this whole thing and I hope you kinda feel the same way.

  8. When I see the way people treat the world we live in, it makes me sick. I would never throw my garbage out the window when I’m driving. I wait until I get home to throw it away or worst case scenario, I just leave it in the car. The only thing I throw out the window is bio-degradable things. Like orange peels, apple cores, gum ext. I’m not saying I’m not partially responsible for the condition of our world, because I drive in a car every day for school.
    I can’t imagine how the people in Haiti feel. They live on mounds of garbage. They don’t get to enjoy lush green scenery, or get to go swimming in a pond. They are deprived of so many privileges because people are too lazy to properly take care of their waste.
    The worst part is the animals. They can’t do anything about it if there is garbage covering their home or if they die from choking on our garbage. They can’t change this world they just have to live in it. We should be taking better care of it than that. Have a little more respect. It’s not just us here we share it so we need to make sure it is well taken care of. People can do so many things to help the problems go down. They can car pool so the pollution isn’t as bad. They can recycle so are world isn’t so filthy.
    I get disgusted when I am on a hike and I see water bottles lying around. That’s not good for the environment or animals. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to keep your trash with you until you get home. I mean obviously it’s not taking up any room if it was in there in the first place? I just wish things would get better and people would stop ruining this beautiful planet.

  9. These pictures that show the hore of mankind and the way we treat our beautiful world the trash we dumb in to are water and a earth is just discussing we have to change are ways y’all or this world will no longer give us resoses. The animals are suffering from are stupidest we are pigs for how we live.
    The next thing is publishing the cars give off so much crap that in big citys its harder to breathe some times and we have been changing a lot in our life like electret cars and lower gas mileages the only to change our selfs is to find the problem and change it before it is to late to do anything about it this is are world so take care of it I have my eyes opened and its time to open yours and join me to save are plaint.
    There are many things that are happing every day that u as a unites citizen that u do not see in your life time.

  10. When I look at these pictures it makes me feel really sad for the people that have to live in these kinds of conditions and how they feel about where they live, as I look at these pictures I also see not only humans having to suffer but also animals, and I think these conditions are caused by people that are just to lazy to throw away their trash where it belongs because they don’t ever think about the damage it can cause they only think about getting ready of the garbage they don’t want and it’s horrible, I honestly don’t feel like I am responsible for this mess because I always throw my garbage in the trash or if it can be recycled than I recycle it. Well I looked at these pictures I noticed the man row boating where a lake or an ocean should have been but was overrun by people garbage but not all pollution is every body’s like when black smoke fills the air that isn’t everybody’s fault because that type of pollution comes from other things like maybe a factor. These pictures really make me think about all the poor families and animals that have to live in it that and it really makes me sad because I feel like maybe people aren’t helping them like they could be, most people think that throwing your McDonalds bag out the window won’t hurt anything but sometimes it does, me and my grandma have actually talked about this for a long time and so ever year me and her get together with her church members and we clean up every piece of garbage no matter what it is off the sides of the roads because and that really makes me feel good because I know that that’s one less piece of garbage somebody else has to live with

  11. When I look at these pictures it makes me feel that the things about 90 percent of the human race do daily has made our beautiful state look so disgusting. Every time someone smokes another person with their truck to try and look cool. It really doesn’t because it is making pollution in our economy. It is really disgusting that someone can handle living this way. In my honest opinion it is absolutely nasty how we live in our world today.
    I personally think that the people that live in our area are highly not even thinking about it or even worrying about it. They probably don’t even care because as long as their living and thinking that they are healthy they are totally fine with it.
    I highly believe that I was a part of it because everyone that drives vehicles are a part of it. The oil, gas, etc. that is burning off of our cars is letting off into the air. Every day we are alive on this earth are breathing the in the air and all the gases and oils that are burning off of our cars. Or every time we breathe out there are carbon dioxide cells that are going out into the world.
    When people go out to it at fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Tit time, Artic Circle, ect. Some people usually throw their garbage out the window. When you throw your garbage out the window it goes on the sides of the roads or even in people’s yards. It is disrespectful for the ones that have to pick up your garbage.

  12. I do believe that pollution is somewhat my fault. Because even when I go hunting or something I don’t pick up my trash very often i to just leave it there on the ground. Because I tend to think that it will just go back into the earth, which it will after about 5000 years it will go back to the earth. I do know that there is faster ways to help keep the planet clean. Like we can recycle and pick things up and just clean the place. But I don’t do that all the often for one if my truck gets to many cans in it I tend to just throw them out the window and just forget about them. Same with my bottle of mtn dew and just about all my trash goes out the window… and do I think it could end up like the pictures I see up there in America no I don’t. I don’t think it can we have people always cleaning up and pick up the trash. On the side of the roads we have even made mtns out of trash and lakes out of our trash we turn it in to beautiful things. So I don’t feel bad about throwing it out the window I just don’t really care. I’ll be dead by the time it even thinks of being a problem for us. So I guess I’ll care when we stop making mtns and lake and the streets are full of trash.
    Travis Archibald

  13. Is pollution my fault? Yes I believe it is partly my fault. But if you think about it we are all to blame. We all consume the products such as oil and fast food witch then the trash ends up in a land fill or even on the side of the road. I may say this like I’m blaming humanity, but in reality I really don’t care. One person may not be able to change the world, but it takes everyone to make a permanent change. You all may want me to help but I just don’t care. I see peoples trash where ever I go. I look at it and its everyday life to me now. When I was younger maybe I would have cared or maybe when I’m older and I can’t go outside without a radiation suite on ill start helping but until then I’m not going to change what I’ve been doing. Yes I’ve littered most people have.

  14. Cody Hess
    When I look at these pictures I feel disgusted it’s gross it makes me wonder what thought goes through the mind of some people when they throw their garbage out on the road that it disappears that someone else comes along and picks up their mess It’s ridiculous our planet shouldn’t look like this and we have no one else to blame but ourselves.
    They either grew up with it so it’s natural to them or they moved there and adapt to the smog where they learn how to go through the process of knowing when to let the kids out and when it’s a good time to go to the store so they live in it, adapting to a new way of life, a life of pollution it’s disgusting to think about like pigs rolling in their own filth but what choice do they have it’s a mistake that can’t be changed not unless everyone changes.
    Yeah I drive my car and I’ve loitered the pollution is just as much my fault as is anyone else who’s living on this planet but we can change that by recycling and reusing we can slow pollution but you can’t stop the gears of industry and as long as they’re turning you can’t stop pollution.
    I try not to be I eat all of my food down to the last crumb when my family goes hunting we use everything we can off the animal we kill the bones, meat, and fat we don’t let it go to waste for example my friend he won’t drink the milk in a bowl of cereal and just dumps it down the drain and I want to strangle him every time because how wasteful it is.
    When I finish my Big Mac or Whopper I will keep the garbage with me until I get home then dispose of the trash it just wouldn’t feel right throwing it out the window the very thought is annoying to me what makes these people so impatient that makes them throw trash out the window? they’re probably going somewhere with a garbage why not wait until then to throw it away it’s just being lazy.
    Every time my family goes camping we have one rule make the campground look better then when we got there so we’ll go have our fun and when were done we’ll scour the ground looking for garbage or trash that someone may have left behind and that’s also when I listen to my mom spew profanity at the invisible man who left the trash it’s fun.
    I don’t do much to help I just recycle my plastics and paper then plus I will always walk to my friends if their house is close to mine but I’ve never done it for the environment I always have just done it because it was an option or I wanted to save gas so I didn’t drive it usually is for personal benefit as to why I do something that is good for my environment but that just me.

  15. What I do I think when I see pollution I think that people don’t care if our atmosphere is destroyed because when you see people throwing trash out the window of their car what do you think when you see someone littering if we want our earth to last longer then we need to cut down on pollution or our world is going
    to die off slowly . and we will all die:(

  16. (How do these pictures make you feel)- These pictures make me want to go and help the people that are cleaning up everyone else’s mess. None of this is right the least people could do is throw their trash away and send it to dumps, but no they just throw it in the water and all over the place, and the picture with the seal is just sad.
    (How do you suppose the people it these area’s feel)- Well hopefully the people in these area’s feel like crap because all they are doing is just make our beloved United State look like a land fill, but we all know that none of them even care, they just think that everywhere is a dump and they can throw anything where ever they want.
    (Do you think you had any part in polluting these areas)-I have done some littering in my time a pop can here a cheese burger wrapper there, but when it comes to putting trash in the water that is just something that I don’t do. My dad always told me that if you put trash in the water the fish will eat it and then you will catch trashy fish.
    (Do you feel any responsibility for pollution)-You know I don’t feel a bit responsible for they pollution around me. Like I said before I may have litter before, but that was not to often, usually I hold on to my trash or I throw it all away and with all the air pollution and garbage around I can legitimately say that I really am not too responsible for the pollution.

  17. What I do I think when I see pollution I think that people don’t care if our atmosphere is destroyed because when you see people throwing trash out the window of their car what do you think when you see someone littering if we want our earth to last longer then we need to cut down on pollution or our world is going to die off slowly .

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. When i see this picture i feel like there should be more information on what liter dose to the enviorment like at parks and near rivers. i think part of the problem isnt informing or creating enough things to prevent this from happening. Well yeah you cant prevent someone from littering but you can help prevent it and start a cause.

  20. When I see those pictures it really upsets me. Am I apart of what's going on? Of course. Everyone is contributing to the problem in some way. I drive everywhere when I could be walking if it's close enough to home and sometimes I'll just drive because I can. Do I leave my trash laying around? No way, if I am outside somewhere I make sure it gets into a garbage can. I don't think people understand exactly what they're doing because even when they leave one piece of trash laying around, that trash will eventually add up and make a bigger problem than needed. I know that there is so much that we can do to make our planet cleaner and safer, but I can guarantee you that more than half of out population just don't care or are just too lazy to actually do anything about it.
